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Rebuilding Trust After an Affair: An Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy Perspective

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Infidelity can be one of the most devastating challenges a couple faces, leaving a trail of emotional wreckage in its wake. In this article, we will explore the profound damage caused by affairs and how Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFCT) can offer a roadmap to healing and rebuilding trust. Understanding the dynamics of disconnection, the aftermath of an affair, and the importance of attachment injury and repair conversations are crucial steps toward a healthier, more connected relationship.

The Disconnection Dilemma
Relationships are built on emotional bonds, and when one partner experiences a sense of disconnection, they may seek comfort elsewhere. This turning away from the relationship in pursuit of solace can manifest as an affair. Paradoxically, the very act intended to cope with emotional pain often leads to increased disconnection in the relationship.

EFCT sheds light on how these disconnections occur and emphasises the importance of understanding and addressing the underlying emotional needs that drive such behaviours. Through acknowledging and validating each partner’s emotional experiences, EFCT creates a safe space for exploring the roots of disconnection.

Responsibility and Irreparable Attachment Rupture
When an affair occurs, the partner who committed the betrayal bears a significant responsibility. The breach of trust can lead to an irreparable attachment rupture, making it challenging for the injured partner to feel secure and connected again. EFCT recognises the profound impact of attachment injuries and focuses on creating a secure base for partners to express their needs, fears, and vulnerabilities.

In therapy, it’s crucial for the partner who strayed to take responsibility for their actions. This involves not only acknowledging the pain they caused but also understanding the deeper emotional needs that led to the affair. EFCT encourages open and honest communication, paving the way for healing conversations that address the root causes of disconnection.

Moving Past the Affair: The Challenge of Forgiveness
While couples may express a desire to move past the affair, forgiveness can be an elusive goal. The hurt and betrayal inflicted by infidelity create deep emotional wounds that take time to heal. EFCT recognises that forgiveness is a process, not a quick fix. Therapists guide couples through the intricate journey of rebuilding trust, emphasising the importance of patience and understanding.

EFCT Attachment Injury and Repair Conversations
Central to EFCT is the concept of attachment injury and repair. In the context of infidelity, attachment injuries are the emotional wounds inflicted by the affair. Repair conversations involve the betrayed partner expressing their pain and the unfaithful partner demonstrating genuine remorse and commitment to change.

Therapists trained in EFCT facilitate these crucial conversations, providing a structured and supportive environment for couples to navigate the difficult terrain of rebuilding trust. By addressing the emotional needs of both partners and fostering secure attachments, EFCT helps couples heal from the devastating impact of infidelity.

Recovering from an affair is a challenging journey that requires commitment, understanding, and the guidance of a skilled therapist. Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy offers a framework for couples to navigate the complexities of betrayal, disconnection, and the rebuilding of trust. By fostering open communication, acknowledging responsibility, and engaging in attachment injury and repair conversations, couples can move beyond the pain of infidelity towards a more secure and connected relationship.


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"Thanks, Aaron, we could feel the benefits of each couple counselling session, even in our first session. We had done lots of work with different psychologists individually and as a couple prior to our first session, but the work with you feels deeper and different, in a good way. Just by helping us to slow down during the session makes us more aware of our primary emotions."

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"Aaron was very straight forward and honest. Clear about the approach and consistent in helping us change our patterns. The greatest accomplishment through this counselling process is connecting with my partner on an emotional level."

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"What we gain through the couple counselling process with Alive Counselling was greater insights into family of origins and the sources of [our] emotional pain. Stronger connection to partner."

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"Aaron helped my partner and I reconnect. Not only with each other but within ourselves. Really listening to each other and not just 'doing the angry, dysfunctional dance'. We received lots of practical tips to manage in times of stress."

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"Aaron is very patient and level headed ... What we gain through the couple counselling process with Alive Counselling was better awareness of the emotional cycle and triggers with my partner. What was most helpful about the counselling process was slowing the emotional reaction down to get to a calmer position ."

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"The greatest accomplishment through this couple counselling process, was developing emotional vulnerability and being celebrated for that. What I like about Aaron is his excellent construction of a safe environment. Very educational process."

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“[My partner] and I are doing well. We continue to use your strategies to slow things down ... We have also recommended you to friends of ours.”

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“We used to think the ’honeymoon phase’ is just the early experience of a relationship that will end, and did not realise it is possible to feel the same ‘honeymoon’ experience again. Through the counselling process, we are so excited that we can connect deeply like we did early in our relationship.”

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“[What I gain from the counselling process with Alive Counselling] It reminded me that there is a reason for everyone’s behaviour and to be more conscious and empathetic of that.”

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“[The most helpful part of the counselling process] Insight to where a lot of my characteristics come from and why. Being reminded of what the basic needs of every human is.”

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“[What I like about the way my counsellor works] Was able to bring out a lot of things about myself that I hadn’t realised. I did find counselling helpful and I thank Aaron for his time and advice.”

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“[The benefits or changes I noticed in myself] Being able to label emotions and address them in the moment and being more mindful of my partners emotions.”

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